European Prosthodontic Association

EPA Oral Presentation Prize

The European Prosthodontic Association awards this Prize annually to the best Oral Presentation, selected from the entries, at the Annual conference. The regulations governing the prize are as follows:

The Prize

This Prize will be awarded for a communication in English, on a subject relevant to Prosthodontics, delivered at the Annual Conference of the Association. The length of the communication should not normally exceed 15 minutes. Communications given under more than one name may be considered on the understanding that the work is substantially that of the main author who is presenting the paper. Written confirmation that this is so will be required from the other authors and the award will be given to the main author only.


Candidates should submit an abstract (preferably in IADR style) to the President via the EPA conference website AND should notify the President of their intention to apply for the Prize. This will allow the President to schedule their presentation at a convenient time in the conference program. Intention to enter MUST be sent before the closing date for abstracts as notified in the conference website or in the conference literature mailing.

Candidates will be required to submit three typescripts and three sets of illustrations to the Honorary Secretary of the European Prosthodontic Association no later than 12:00 on the morning of the first day of the Annual Conference at which the paper is to be presented. The text should be in English, of not more than 3,000 words, suitable for publication and should not differ in content from the communication to be presented at the Conference. The work must be printed or typewritten on A4 paper, single side, double line spacing, with at least two centimetre margins. (Please note that prints or photocopies of PowerPoint slides are NOT acceptable).

The Award

The award will be given by the Association on the recommendation of a panel of assessors appointed for this purpose and such additional assessors as the panel may wish to consult.

The Assessors

The assessors appointed to nominate the prize winner will take into account the originality and scientific value of the text, as well as the standard and clarity of the oral communication.

The Association

The Association reserves the right to withhold the award if it is considered that the presentations are not of sufficient merit.

If this award is sponsored by an external company / organization, the sponsor will have the right to specify the nature and value of the prize. The EPA Trustees will also have the right to supplement the prize with a sum of money (up to a total value of 300 Euros) if they think it is warranted. If no external sponsor is forthcoming, the Prize will be in the form of a sum of money (not exceeding 500 Euros). A prize certificate will also be given to the prize winner.

All typescripts and illustrations become the property of the Association, which reserves the right to publish entries, wholly or in part, in the Association's Proceedings. The prize winner(s) are encouraged to submit their winning research for publication in the European Journal of Prosthodontics and Restorative Dentistry (or any other Prosthodontic journal) stating that their research gained the honour of the EPA Oral Presentation Prize.

An individual may not win the award on more than one occasion.

Non-members must be sponsored in writing by a member of the EPA, preferably the Head of Department of the unit where the research was carried out.

Any entry that fails to comply with the above Regulations will be disqualified.

EPA Oral Presentation Prize Winners

Year Topic Winner
1987 An investigation into the effectiveness of surface treatment on poly(methylmethacrylate) when exposed in the mouth. MD Murray
1988 Kinetics of enamel fluoride uptake and loss in vivo. E Saxegaard
1989 Image analyses and occlusion PS Wright
1990 Tooth form and tooth size in patients with oligodontia. Y van der Weide
1991 Osseointegrated implants and natural teeth as bridge abutments. P Astrand
1992 Toxicity of methyly methacrylate - in vitro and in vivo studies. Z Bereznowski.
1993 The tensile and sheer bond strength of a 4-META self-cure acrylic resin and a conventional self-cure acrylic  resin to Co-Cr alloy. CW Barclay
1994 Comparison of the bond strength of three different alloys with two different adhesives. E Nayir
1995 Silent period in individuals with artificial occlusal interference. A Celebic
1996 Ionbeam, a new technology to improve the bond strength of titanium-porcelain systems. L Wehnert
1997 The prosthodontic treatment of mental handicapped patients. Challenge and necessity under economical aspects! M Griess
1998 Crowns of advanced ceramics - Zirconia and Aluminia - in fixed prosthodontics R Luthardt
1999 The maintenance requirements of mandibular overdentures stabilised by Astra Tech implants using three different attachment mechanisms: Ball, Magnets and Bars: 3-Year results. D Davis
2000 Clinical survey on repaired ceramic-fused-to-metal restorations after 4 years M Özcan
2001 Joint winners: Effect of temperature and stress distribution on all-ceramic restorations by using 3D FEA. / Stomatological appliances and magnetic resonance imaging. MA Gungor / H Hulbalkova
2002 Mandibular bone mineral density changes dependant on the denture support - a six month follow up study. D Knezovic-Zlataric
2003 Clinical results and patients' satisfaction following treatment with implant-retained or implant-supported overdenture prosthesis in the mandible. N Zitzmann
2004 An analysis of maxillary anterior teeth facial and dental proportions. U Hasanreisoglu
2005 The wear of precision attachments under occlusal load - in vitro study.< S Rzatowski
2006 Influence of denture adhesives on muscle activity in complete denture wearers. I Z Alajbeg
2007 Cytotoxic evaluation of a composite resin, a light-cured and self-bonded composite cement and a glass-ionomer cement in cultures of human periodontal ligament cells. S Silvestros
2008 Influence of dental anxiety on the oral health related quality of life. N Enkling
2009 Comparison of implant stability by means of resonance frequency analysis for flapless and conventionally inserted implants.  J Katsoulis
2010 Virtual implant planning in the edentulous maxilla; Prosthetic criteria for decision making. M Avrampou
2011 University of Turin, Italy Elisabetta Bellia
2012 Comparison of the accuracy of stereophotogrammetry and moiré profilometry for 3D imaging of the face Andreas Artopoulos, Jan A.N. Buytaert, Joris J.J. Dirckx, Trevor J. Coward Department of Prosthodontics, King’s College London Dental Institute, London, UK Andreas Artopoulos
2013 University of Bern, Switzerland Andreas Worni
2014 Accuracy of impression techniques and materials in angulated implants Kurtulmus Yilmaz S, Ozan O, Özcelik TB, Yagiz A
2015 University of Zurich Nadin Al-Haj Husain
2016 University of Thessaloniki, Greece Eleni-Sotiria Palla
2017 Integrating facial scanning in a CAD/CAM workflow for prosthodontic rehabilitation” from University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands Dr Bassam Hassan.
2018 Full-arch IOS is statistically more accurate compared to CBCT-scanning: An in-vivo study, from Greece. Dr. George Michelinakis
2019 Impact of common beverages and aging on color stability of translucency of highly translucent zirconia. The Netherlands Symeonidis P. et al. (Aristotle University, Thesaloniki, Greece)
2021 Greece None

EPA Conference 2024

Bialystok, Poland - September 19 - 21, 2024

More About The Event