European Prosthodontic Association

EPA Poster Presentation Prize

Presentations at the Annual Conference

All poster presentations at the Annual Conference will be considered for the EPA poster Prize. The regulations governing the Prize are as follows:

The Prize

This Prize will be given for a poster presentation, written in English, on a subject relevant to Prosthodontics, delivered at the Annual Conference of the Association. To be eligible for this prize, the main author must attend the conference to present the poster and must attend their poster during the session allocated for judging.


Candidates may be asked to deliver an oral presentation on the subject of the poster by the assessors.

Candidates must submit an abstract of the poster to the EPA President, via the EPA conference web-site, preferably in IADR format, before the closing date for abstracts. Any entries received after the closing dates may be disqualified.

Non-members must be sponsored, in writing, by a member of the Association who should preferably be the Head of the Department of the Unit where the research was carried out.

The Award

The award will be given by the Association on the recommendation of a panel of assessors appointed for this purpose and such additional assessors as the panel may wish to consult.

The Assessors

The assessors appointed to nominate the prize winner(s) will take into account the scientific merit of the poster, as well as the design, clarity and overall quality of script and illustrations.

The Association

If this award is sponsored by an external company / organization, the sponsor will have the right to specify the nature and value of the prize. The EPA Trustees will also have the right to supplement the prize with a sum of money (up to a total value of 300 Euros) if they think it is warranted. If no external sponsor is forthcoming, the Prize will be in the form of a sum of money (not exceeding 500 Euros). A prize certificate will also be given to the prizewinner.

The Association reserves the right to withhold the prize if it is considered that the posters are not of sufficient merit.

Individuals may not win the prize on more than one occasion.

Any entry which fails to comply with the above Regulations will be disqualified.

EPA Poster Presentation Prize Winners

Year Topic Winner
1989 The silicoater MD process. R Musil, Dr Tiller.
1990 Micro leakage of indirect inlays constructed on different kinds of glass ionomer cement linings. AC Akuren, L Karaagaclioglu, A Zaimoglu.
1991 Ultrastructural research of palatal mucosa: Denture wearers - Lauthanam nitrate studies. B Giumelli, G Pradal, M Maillet.
1992 The influence of dentures on oral stereognostic abilities. M Golebiewska.
1993 Assessment of whole salivary flow rated of the dentulous and edentulous geriatric patients. B Yurdukoru, H Terzioglu, T Yilmaz.
1994 Comparison of detail reproduction, surface hardness and wettability of various dental impression materials. G Can, N Ozden, S Erkut, M Mutlu.
1995 Comparison of the bond compatibility of titanium and a Cr-Ni alloy to dental porcelain. C Dincer, H Yilmaz.
1996 Implant retained prostheses in prevention of irradiated bone grafts. H Scheller, L Borchers, N Schroder et al.
1997 Force discrimination and satisfaction with single tooth implants. C Pedersen, K Gotfredsen, B Owall.
1998 Local treatment of dentin hypersensitivity making use of Abmindent, bioactive glass product. M Arjasmaa, T Hyyppa, P Mellanen et al.
1999 Experimental studies on surface treatment of titanium by new microblasting techniques. U Lenz, G Raser, E Lenz.
2000 Connection between masticatory efficiency and pathomorphological changes in the gastric mucosa. T Sierpinska.
2001 The Survey of the Alpha 1-antitrypsin level in serum of patients with osteoporosis in the mandibular bone. E Mierzwinska-Nastalska, K Rusiniak, I Weimert et al.
2002 The EMG activity of masticatory muscles during different chewing tasks. M Valentic-Peruzovic, D Illes, Z I Aljabeg et al.
2003 Fracture force, deflection at fracture and toughness of repaired acrylic resin reinforced with glass fibres. I Kostoulas, V Kavoura, M Frangou et al
2004 Shear bond strength of two composite core materials after using all-in-one and single bottle dentine adhesives. D Sen, G Akgungar.
2005 Biological and mechanical properties of titanium implants covered with hydroxyapatite and zirconia layers by pulsed laser. M Seydlova, Z Teuberova, T Dostalova et al.
2006 Surface wettability characteristics of titanium after various surface-conditioning methods. Z Fourie, Ozcan M, Kalk W.
2007 Zirconia for teeth and implants. A Kollar, E Mericske, R Mericske-Stern.
2008 Evaluation of fibre reinforced composite post-core restorations under diagonal forces. A Dogar, G Erman, C Altintas et al.
2009 In vitro marginal fit of different all-ceramic systems. P Turkoglu, D Sen, M Aydin.
2010 Occlusal adjustment time consumption analysis of fixed partial dentures made using electronic and non-electronic articulator-related bite registrations. A Catic, M Volarevic, L Bergman.
2011 Prosthetic rehabilitation of the patient with hemifacial microsomia: A case report. G.Deda, K.Agani, F.Asllani, M.Kuci
2012 Staphylococcal attachment reduces on UVC-irradiated titanium by changing surface properties Yusuke Yamada, Masahiro Yamada, Takahiro Ueda, Kaoru Sakurai Tokyo Dental College,Chiba, Japan Yusuke Yamada
2013 University of Turku, Finland Jing Wei He
2014 Evaluation of stress patterns in different ceramic laminate veneers: a 3d fem analysis Üstün Ö, Öztürk N
2015 University of Bucharest, Romania Teodor Traistaru
2016 University of Achen, Germany Rene Düringer
2017 Complete removable prosthesis and oral health related quality of life” from University of Zagreb, Croatia Dr. Josip Kranjcic
2018 Accuracy of complete-arch digital implant impressions: Effect of scanning techniques and scan bodies” from the Ohio State University College of Dentistry, USA Dr. Burak Yilmaz et al
2019 New concept of rotation axis for analyzing mandibular movements. The Netherlands Shigemoto S .et al. (Tsurumi University, School of Dental Medicine, Department of Fixed Prosthodontics, Yokohama, Japan)
2021 Retrospective clinical study of fixed dental prostheses: Mean follow up 11 years. Greece Hawthan M. et al. (University of Malmö, Faculty of Odonology, Malmö, Sweden)

EPA Conference 2024

Bialystok, Poland - September 19 - 21, 2024

More About The Event