The Trustees of the European Prosthodontic Trust have determined to establish a scholarship in memory of Dr Rowland Fereday, who was a Trustee since the foundation of the Trust, as well as the founding Honorary Secretary of the European Prosthodontic Association in 1976, and President in 1986.
The Rowland Fereday Scholarship may be awarded annually by the Trustees to a member of the European Prosthodontic Association, or a colleague sponsored by a member, for the purpose of undertaking collaborative research in another European country, or to present research to an European meeting.
Applicants will normally be under 35 years of age and applications will be considered annually at the Board of Trustees meeting held in conjunction with the annual conference of the EPA. The award is £1000 (approx 1200 Euros - and may vary depending on the exchange rate.)
The applicant must have the support of their Head of Institution to apply for the award and also the support of the Institution with which they intended to collaborate. There is no application form, but applicants are advised to apply by letter to the Honorary Secretary, giving full details of the reasons for seeking the scholarship, details of their proposed collaborative project and enclosing the necessary supporting letters.
It is a condition of this award that successful applicants MUST present the findings of their research project, as an oral presentation, at a future EPA conference upon completion of the research.
All applications received by the specified date will be considered by the Trustees. Late applications may be considered at the following year's conference, at the discretion of the Trustees. The award will normally be made annually. Applications should be sent to the Honorary Secretary, at the address given below, by the last day of June each year.
Mutlu Özcan, Prof., Dr. Dr. h.c., Ph.D
Honorary Secretary, EPA
University of Zurich
Head of Division of Dental Biomaterials
Center of Dental Medicine
Clinic for Reconstructive Dentistry
Plattenstrasse 11
CH-8032, Zurich, Switzerland
Tel: +41-44-6345600
Mobile: +41-789486939
Fax: +41-44-6344305
E-mail: [email protected]